Does the HERE’S THE DEAL platform conform to the Practice Changes outlined in Section H.58. i-xiii of the Settlement Agreement between Burnett et al. and NAR et al.?
HERE’S THE DEAL approached the legal department at NAR and was informed by a Senior Counsel: “…A broker can communicate compensation offers for their listings as they deem appropriate to serve the best interests of their consumer. That said, a broker should consult their lawyer for any potential legal risks and liability…”
We consulted our attorney (and heard the opinions of other attorneys) who assured us the intent of the language in the Practice Changes is not to inhibit free-market competition by silencing competitive pricing advertisements. Instead, it is to prevent redundancy in MLS feeds by piggybacking cooperative compensation on those live data feeds and circumvent the intent of the Practice Changes.
Indeed, HERE’S THE DEAL is the solution to antitrust concerns. Here’s The Deal is the anti-antitrust safe space. We provide the ultimate platform for a truly competitive free market in real estate.
Is the HERE’S THE DEAL website necessary?
After reading the Complaint by Burnett et al. and conducting further research, it became clear to us that the DOJ and the plaintiffs not only believe Buyers should pay for their representation; but they question whether Buyer representation is necessary at all!
The plaintiffs’ expert testimony indicated that because some countries do not have buyer representation, representation might not be essential. We believe the DOJ does not fully grasp the challenges faced by Buyers, especially first-time Buyers. Even if the DOJ were to acknowledge the necessity of Buyer representation, it seems to lack a full understanding of the real estate environment on several levels.
Their understanding of a free-market economy seems myopic. One of the reasons compensation offers are being removed from the MLS is that Buyers previously had no access to this information. The DOJ’s solution, however, is to make it difficult for everyone involved to find this information. Transparency and access to information are crucial in a free market economy. HERE’S THE DEAL solves that problem though. With Sellers now having a transparent platform in HERE’S THE DEAL to compete with other Sellers, and Buyers having the information needed to make educated offers to purchase, market equilibrium can be achieved.
HERE’S THE DEAL is essential in the post-August 17, 2024 world.
What geographic areas does HERE’S THE DEAL cover?
HERE’S THE DEAL is not limited by geography. We are determined to be the #1 platform for Sellers and their representatives to promote offers of compensation to the Buyer side of transactions. Our market is in essence all 54 U.S. states and territories where REALTORS® and others provide real estate services for their customers
Who can post real estate ads on HERE’S THE DEAL?
HERE’S THE DEAL is not limited to REALTORS®. Any licensed real estate agent is free to post. FSBOs are welcomed. Buyer Brokers can advertise their compensation requirements for Broker Agreements on HERE’S THE DEAL. Eventually, we hope to grow support in the HERE’S THE DEAL community for Buyer Brokers to facilitate Buyer Agreement with their Buyers. For now, we are focusing on spreading the word that REALTORS® has an immediate safe harbor and can prepare for the turbulent waters arriving August 17, 2024.
Is HERE’S THE DEAL limited to real estate listings?
Currently, HERE’S THE DEAL is focusing on residential properties for sale due to the urgent need for a platform where Sellers and Buyers can come together. Come August 17, 2024, there will be few places for them to do this efficiently and we aim to meet this immediate need.
We do hope others eventually will find our website useful. Lawn and pool service companies, plumbers, inspectors, and other real estate-related professionals should find HERE’S THE DEAL a great environment to promote their services. Look for the expansion of advertising categories soon.
How can we help to promote HERE’S THE DEAL?
Please share our website on your social media, email everyone you know, and tell everyone. For HERE’S THE DEAL to be helpful, it must grow organically and virally. Once listings become fully populated, the benefits to all parties will be immeasurable.
Will HERE’S THE DEAL always be free?
There will always be a free version of HERE’S THE DEAL. Eventually, we hope users will find HERE’S THE DEAL beneficial and support us with nominal fees. Our priority, however, is to facilitate smooth real estate transactions so Sellers and Buyers won’t have to rely on algorithms or AI in their quest to sell or buy a house in the post-August 17, 2024 world.